मनो-सामाजिक प्रश्नांची सर्जनशील हाताळणी कार्यशाळा आक्काताई रामगोंडा पाटील गर्ल्स हायस्कूल व ज्युनिअर कॉलेज,इचलकरंजी.

Continue Reading मनो-सामाजिक प्रश्नांची सर्जनशील हाताळणी कार्यशाळा आक्काताई रामगोंडा पाटील गर्ल्स हायस्कूल व ज्युनिअर कॉलेज,इचलकरंजी.

सांगोला तालुक्यात अनिष्ट विधवा प्रथेचे निर्मुलन करण्यासाठी विशेष ग्रामसभा घेऊन ग्रामपंचायतींमध्ये ठरावाचे प्रबोधन,वाचन व शपथ घेऊन यशस्वीपणे ग्रामसभा पार पडली गट विकास अधिकारी लोकरे साहेब व डॉ. आंबेडकर शेती विकास व संशोधन संस्था यांच्या समन्वयाने..

सांगोला ग्रामपंचायत ५७ गावा मधून ठराव घेण्यात आले असून उरलेल्या गावा मधून लवकरच ठराव करून घेण्यात येतील. दिनांक- १-७-२०२२ बिडीओ लोकरे साहेब यांचे सहकार्य लाभले व डॉ. आंबेडकर शेती विकास…

Continue Reading सांगोला तालुक्यात अनिष्ट विधवा प्रथेचे निर्मुलन करण्यासाठी विशेष ग्रामसभा घेऊन ग्रामपंचायतींमध्ये ठरावाचे प्रबोधन,वाचन व शपथ घेऊन यशस्वीपणे ग्रामसभा पार पडली गट विकास अधिकारी लोकरे साहेब व डॉ. आंबेडकर शेती विकास व संशोधन संस्था यांच्या समन्वयाने..

Capacity Building workshop for Govt. and NGOs, CBOs at Kagal Block Dist Kolhapur Covered 45 villages in the month of June 2022 Collaboratively with UNICEF, YUVA and Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS)

Capacity building workshop heldt at Kurukli Tal- Kagal Dist. Kolhapur facilitated by ASVSS Team Mr. Ananda Kamble, Ms. Neeta Awale & Prajakta Dhole, Kusum Gaikwad covered 45 villages in Kagal…

Continue Reading Capacity Building workshop for Govt. and NGOs, CBOs at Kagal Block Dist Kolhapur Covered 45 villages in the month of June 2022 Collaboratively with UNICEF, YUVA and Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS)

TOT for Volunteers on Psychosocial in drought and Flood affected areas. Facilitated by Psycholosgist collbaoratively conducted by Goonj sanjha and & Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS)

TOT on Psychosocial facilitated by Pyscologist Mrs. Amruta Walimbe and Mrs. Prabha Yadav at Bharte Hotel, Ichalkaranji Tal- Hatkangale Dist. Kolhapur.

Continue Reading TOT for Volunteers on Psychosocial in drought and Flood affected areas. Facilitated by Psycholosgist collbaoratively conducted by Goonj sanjha and & Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS)

District level Workshop on Understanding Budget and policies for Agriculture and Allied sectors collaboratively with ENCAS,CBGA and Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS) Date 20-6-2022 held at Ambassador Hotel Sangola Dist. Solapur

Workshop on Understanding Budget and policies for Agriculture and Allied sectors involved participants NGOs & CBOs at Sangola Dist Solapur

Continue Reading District level Workshop on Understanding Budget and policies for Agriculture and Allied sectors collaboratively with ENCAS,CBGA and Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS) Date 20-6-2022 held at Ambassador Hotel Sangola Dist. Solapur

“Organic Seeds Festival” held at Sangola Dist. Solapur Date 13 June 2022 Collaboratively with MAKAM, SOPECOM and Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS)

Participated Sangola block Dist Solapur farmers and labour farmers womens shared their organic seeds and ints importance infront of Agriculture officer Mr. Shinde Sir, founder ASVSS Team Sharmila Lendve, Kalpana…

Continue Reading “Organic Seeds Festival” held at Sangola Dist. Solapur Date 13 June 2022 Collaboratively with MAKAM, SOPECOM and Dr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan Sanstha (ASVSS)