Name: Shalan Ratilal Kamble, Age: 46
Address: Sonand Taluka- Sangola Dist: Solapur
Education: No
Occupation: Labour farmer
Name: Mr. Kamble Son- Age: 27
Education: 10th Occupation- Driver.
Name: Mr. Sumeet Vasant Kamble (Mother) Age- 68
Education: No, She is a working as Labour farmer and during summer season she is working at Hotel.
Address: A/P Son and Taluka Sangola District – Solapur
What happened?
I am staying with my Mother at Son and we are both sister’s life as a family. My husband was died due to a drunkard person. His nature was suspicious about and always he has beaten me when he was drunk a lot. He was brutally treated me. So my mind was not accepted to him. So I came to my mother’s home and for the last 30 years, I am living with my mother.
My Son, he is completed his education till 10th class and he was now working in a Pune in a Company as a driver. He is married and he has two Children and his wife living in Pune. But due to minimum salary, he is not able to send me money on a monthly basis as he wants to live in Pune and his expenses also a lot so he didn’t send me money at all. So I manage to earn money by doing work as a labor-farmer and during the drought period, we didn’t get work as a local on the farm due to lack of water facility in my village for the employment purpose not have any other sources.
Current situation
SanjaygandhiNiradhar Yojna is a beneficiary but this pension didn’t get regularly maybe get it after three or six months.
All schemes related to the pension have the criteria of Child for the single woman or destitute due to which she is unable to access this benefit.
Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojna budget is very minimum per month Rs. 600/-
This pension beneficiary linked to the DDC Banking in spite of nationalizing the bank
In DDC bank are updating by handwriting but not update by digital printing.
To know about whether pension did they received it or not? Hence Beneficiaries are lost their travel expenditure
Who are involved?
Gram Sabha, Gram Sevak, and Sarpanch, DDC Bank, local interferences, criteria of Child for the pension scheme, etc.
Current Situation of other families like Disability, Single women and destitute etc.
With the leadership of Mrs. Shalanto check the current situation of pension issue so she tried to collected different beneficiaries passbooks and try to share this in Solapur press conference date on 4th June at Solapur Press Conference hall She was explained below the current situation of the beneficiaries details related to the pension are as follows.
SadhnaSatyawan Thokale- Age – 45, Education- 7th He is living with his mother and due to her husband is a drunkard person. She has one son who is studying in 6th std.
Suwarna Sitaram Thokale Age- 40 Education- 10th Disabled of right hand she is living with her daughter and husband. Her husband doing work as a Construction worker.
Kiran Kumar Thokale –Age 28th, Blindness Education- 12 std. He is living with his family of Mother, father, and brother.
Raju Ganpat Thokale – Age – 50, Disabled by two legs. Education- 7th He is living with his Mother, Father, Brother, and his family.
BaluUddhav Thokale – Age – 48, Education- 10th std, He is disabled by One leg he has four Daughters, he is living with his wife.
ShanabaiRatilal Kamble – Age – 48, Education- No, She is a widow she is living alone. She also doing work as a farm laborer.
All types of individuals passbook shared at the Solapur Press conference.
Sadhna Satyawan Thokale- Disable got Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojna 2 After advocacy DCC Bank Passbook update by printing