“Reflection on Gender value through a various angle” at Sadanand Hotel Sangola. Date 8th march on the occasion of International women’s day ASVSS organized and Supported by Action Aid “Essay Competition” during this event facilitated By Nirja Bhatnagar, Dashrath Sirsat and Vinayak Pawar, Lalit Babar and Nandu More and Prabha Yadav, Anil Jagdhane, Darshana Gaikwad and Vishal Raulkar, Aldar sir from Jujarpur school.
- Children get motivation about Gender and unpaid work of women.
- 22 Children and women & Youths write an essay on Subject Equality and Unpaid work of Women.
- Children have shared their reflections on Gender and various activities of ASVSS Gharche Kaam Sarvanche.
- The teacher shared the Gender perspective they are trying to follow in their school in
- Children are engaging in Schools activities & village-level meetings.
- The adolescent girl shared that 50% of the women why this is happening if we are talking about equality? Like this comment shared on the occasion of the Women’s day celebration.
- Action Aid regional Manager Nirja Bhatnagar, Program officer Dashrath & Vinayak Pawar also shared their opinion about the Women’s day celebration due to which girls and Women’s get motivation and concept clarity is a concern